-Click the above link to download a zip file of The Caves of Janxrathra.
-Unzip to wherever you like.
-If you have a Mac, we recommend you use the WineBottler emulator for Windows. Note that mouse right clicks will be emulated with two-finger clicks.
-Click on the 'Caves.exe' file to run the game.
-Because it's an old-school exe file, your modern paranoid computer won't like it. You'll have to give it express permission to run the game.
Scan it first if you're worried. Be advised though that Malwarebytes or other similar malware detectors may think it is suspicious. That's because
it hasn't been included in their bin of 'safe' programs so they err on the side of caution. Well, nothing ventured...
-You might also come upon the error of missing an msvcr100.dll file, especially in Windows 10. I've included a copy of the .dll file in the download;
follow the instructions in the Readme.txt file to put it in the right place and you're good to go.
-If for some reason something isn't working, please email me at the link below and I'll get on it ASAP.
-The game is 100% free and can be distributed as shareware all you like. Just don't modify anything and maintain all attribution to me, Brian
René Morrissette. Of course, if you'd like to throw a few coins into the hat, please use the PayPal link down below.
The Basic User Guide is included in the root directory. It is strongly
recommended that you read it before playing.
Make sure you save your games to the included 'Saves' sub-directory. This is the default location.
A sample party is included in the 'Saves' sub-directory. If you're stuggling getting started, you can download a higher level version of that same party
here to give you a leg up at the beginning.
Just make sure to put this file in the 'Saves' sub-directory so it is accessible to the game.
The Basic User Guide provides all the information you need to play the game. However, for those wishing advanced detailed information; for a generous
contribution of $25 or more (link below), you will be sent:
The Caves of Janxrathra: Tactical Guide
extremely useful tome includes such valuable information as:
-Class and Race Modifiers;
-Spell Progressions;
-Complete Monster Tables;
-Full Equipment List Including Magical Item Functions;
-Spell Statistics and Damage;
-Inside Information on How the Caves Work, eg. Level Ups;
-Tactics and Hints for Battle and Overall Play;
-and more!
The following is an excerpt from the manual:
Just be sure on your donation to include an email address in the 'Add a note' field. Paypal should include your email address, but just in case
it gets missed, this will make sure you receive your copy of the Tactical Guide.
Your email address will not be used for anything else, or sent to anyone else for any reason.
PayPal Donation / Thank You!
Here is a quick email link to me if you have any comments or, heaven forbid, find any bugs.
Email Link